2024 NAPF North Americans
Photo Package
15-20 photos of all of your attempts.
Static Video Package
Static, color graded clips of all of your attempts in vertical format.
Hype Video
Edited recap video of your best attempts; set to the music of your choice. Vertical format for social media.
Please email info@topset.media if would like a Hype Video package. Please note that once your day of competition has started, a hype video cannot be purchased.
Choose options
Most media packages are delivered within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the event if no expedited delivery is selected.
You will receive a gallery link to the email address that you provide during checkout where you will be able to view and download your media.
Let us know! We can work with you to create custom media options for your meet.
The availability of certain options (like hype videos) are subject to staff availability.
You can add as many media options to your cart as you like and purchase all at once, no need for multiple orders.
Certain media options can be purchased after the meet is over, but hype videos must be booked ahead of time.
We don't currently offer samples, but you can see plenty of our work on instagram to see what your photos/videos will look like.